Ordering Guide

With our new ScotClans site we have built a much more stable and secure shopping platform. Shopping with us could not be easier.

How do I shop at ScotClans?

To make things easier we have divided the site into two main shopping areas:

The Scottish Shop:

A massive range of Scottish goods; clothing, jewellery, gifts, homewares, clan crest items and much much more. The bulk of our product range can be found in here. We also have a large range of highland wear including kilts and kilt accessories.

Scottish Clan Shops:

A shop with your name on it!
Within each clan mini site (found via ‘my clan page’ or ‘what’s my clan’) you will see a link to a clan shop. The clan shops separate out all the items available with your clan tartan or clan crest so its an ideal place to look for specific tartan or crested items. You can also use the ‘my clan shop’ link at the top right to browse through the list of clan shops or even find which clan shop is right for you.

How To Order

Simply browse to the item you want to buy and click on the thumbnail image (you can also click on the product name or ‘more info’ link, they all do the same thing). This brings up a page with a larger image and more details. You may need to select some options such as tartan, clan, size colour etc. just make your selection and don’t forget to select how many you require then click the add to basket button.

Clicking on the Add to Basket button brings up your basket page so you can double check what you have just selected. Here you can change the quantity, remove the item, go back to the shop or check out. You can also change the currency you want to shop in and change your delivery options.

If you go back to the shop you will see your total in the top right of the page, that way you can keep track of your spending and not get carried away!

When you have finished shopping just click on the total here 9if you are not already on the basket page. review your purchases and click on the ‘Checkout’ button (It’s an orange arrow at the bottom right) You are now ready to check out.

At this stage you will be asked for a login and password, don’t panic! If you are new to the ScotClans site we just want to make it easy for you. just click on the ‘I am a new customer’ button and select continue. you will be asked to enter some address information etc so we know where to send your purchases. You will also be asked if you want to subscribe to our newsletter. This comes out once a month or so , you wont be swamped so don’t panic about that.

Once you submit your form you will land on the checkout page. It looks just like the basket page but your address is now there, you can edit this if you need to, you can also add other addresses to your address book below this. so if you want to send something to a friend of you have moved to an address that your card isn’t registered to you can add the details here. When you add new addresses you can then select which one you want the item to go to.

You can also decide what shipping options you would like, choose a more secure or faster option for time sensitive or valuable packages.

Note: Before continuing you will need to read and accept our terms & conditions
(just click the check box to accept)

Almost there! just click on the ‘Proceed to Secure Payment’ button to go to the payment page where you will be asked to enter your credit card details. These pages are managed by Sagepay one of the worlds leading secure e-commerce providers keeping your data safe.

Once you have filled in the Sagepay form that’s it. just sit back and wait for your order!