Clan MacPhee (MacFie) Septs and Associated Names

Athey, Cathie, Cathey, Coffee, Coffie, Currie, Curries, Curry, McAbee, McAchopich, M\’affeith, McAfee, MacAfee, McAfie, MacAfie, McAphie, McCaffrey, McCafferty, McCoid, Makcoffee, McKoffee, MacCuish, MacCowis, McDiffie, Macdoffy, McDuffie, MacDuffie, MacDuphie, Makduffie, Duffy, M\’Duffe, Dufacius, Duphaci, McDuffphie, Makduffie, McDuffyhe, Mcduphe, MacDhubsite, Dubside, MacDufthi, McFeithe, Makfeithe, McFie, MacFie, Mcfeye, Fee, Makfee, McFee, Magoffin, McGuffie, MacGuffie, MacHaffie, Mahaffy, Mehaffey, Mahathie, McIfie, McIphie, Phe, McPhe, Phee, McPhee, MacPhee, McPhie, MacPhie, Mac-a-Phie, McPheir, MacPhietric, and MacPhied, MacVie, MacVeeand.