Clan Brodie Septs

The following names are considered septs or associated names of Clan Brodie:

Brody, Bryde, and Brydie

Branches of Brodie:

Brodies of Brodie, The Thanes and The Chiefs of Brodie
Brodies of Spynie
Brodies of Asleisk
Brodies of Lethen
Brodie-Wood of Keithick
Brodies of Idvies, The baronet of Idvies
Callender-Brodie of Idvies
Brodies of Muiresk
Brodies of Coltfield
Brodies of Milton
Brodies of Windy Hills
Brodies of Maine
Brodie-Inneses of Milton Brodie
Brodies of Eastbourne
Brodies of Fernhill
Brodies of Boxford, The baronets of Boxford
Brodies of Caithness