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Clan Rossie
Basic Info.
Origin of Name: Territorial, from lands in Fife
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Rossie Tartan
MacLeod of Raasay tartan (There is no registered tartan for this clan)
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Clan History
Rossie History
The surname Rossie is of territorial origin, coming from the lands of Rossie in Fife.
Near Montrose was where the family of Rossy of that Ilk had an early settlement as vassals of Norman de Malherbe.
In 1219, Robertus de Rossyn was witness to the preambulation of the marches of the lands of Arbroath Abbey and the barony of Kynblathmund, and a charter of the lands of Rossi were given to Robert de Rossi’s son, Thomas de Rossi by Hugo Malherb in or around 1245.
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Clan Lands
Rossie Lands

Rossie Map
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Clan Rossie Posts
Clan Rossie Gallery