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Clan Rollo
Basic Info.
Crest: A stag’s head couped Proper
Motto: La Fortune Passe Partout (Fortune Passes Over Everywhere)
Origin of Name: Norse
Seat: Pitcairns House
Clan Chief: The Rt. Hon. The Lord Rollo
Clan History
Rollo History
The Clan Rollo are of Norman origin. However they can trace their roots to the feared Norsemen who raided the coast of England and Scotland in the seventh and eighth centuries. Sigurd Rollo was Jarl of Shetland and Orkney, and his son, Einar, was a renowned Viking who not only raided Scotland, but parts of his Norwegian homeland for good measure. He was harried by the Norwegian King Harald I of Norway, and eventually turned his attention to the northern coast of France.
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Clan Lands
Rollo Lands
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