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Clan Orrock
Basic Info.
Crest: A falcon perched, Proper
Motto: Solus Christus Mea Rupes (Christ alone is my rock)
Origin of Name: Territorial, from lands of same name in Fife
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Orrock Tartan
Fife District tartan (There is no registered tartan for this clan)
>>view more Clan Orrock Tartans
Clan History
Orrock History
The name Orrock, also seen spelled Orrok, and Orrick, is taken from the lands of Orrock in Fife.
A quit claim by Johannes Gallard of the lands of Siwinis Keeth to Dunfermline Abbey was witnessed by Symon de Oroc in 1248.
Clan Lands
Orrock Lands

Orrock Map
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Clan Orrock Posts
Clan Orrock Gallery