Clan Murray of Atholl People

Sir Walter Murray
Sir Walter married an Oliphant heiress and became Lord of Bothwell. He was one of the Regents of Scotland and began the construction of Bothwell Castle.

Sir Andrew Murray (d.1297)
Fought alongside Sir William Wallace for the cause of Scottish independence. He was killed at the Battle of Stirling Bridge and Wallace took over the forces. Historians commonly believe that if Murray had survived then the war against the English may well have turned in favour of the Scots.

George Murray

George Murray

Lord George Murray (d.1760)
Lord George Murray was the great Jacobite general and architect of the early successes of the rising of 1745. After Culloden he escaped to the Continent and died in exile in the Netherlands.

John Murray (1715-1777)
John Murray arrived in Scotland in 1745 with Prince Charles, as his secretary. After Culloden he was captured and taken to London where he was persuaded to save his life by turning king’s evidence. He was known from then on as “Mr Evidence Murray”.



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