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Clan Menzies
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: Mèinnearach
Crest: A savage head erased Proper
Motto: Vil God I Zal (With God I shall)
Badge: Menzies’ heath
Lands: Atholl, Weem, Aberfeldy, and Glendochart
Origin of Name: Norman, de Meyners
Pipe Music: Menzies’ March
Clan Chief: David Menzies of Menzies
Clan History
Menzies History
Mesnieres in Normandy was the original home of the Norman family whose name was transformed to Manners, the surname of the Dukes of Rutland.
A branch of this family moved into Lothian and then gradually into the Highlands of Scotland, where they became known first as de Meyneris, and eventually as Menzies.
Clan Lands
Menzies Lands
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