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Clan Maxwell
Basic Info.
Crest: A stag couchant under a holly bush Proper
Motto: Reviresco (I grow strong again)
Lands: Nithsdale
Historic Seat: Caerlaverock Castle
Origin of Name: From Maccus well, a pool in the river Tweed
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Clan History
Maxwell History
The name Maxwell originates from Maccus, a Norse chief and son of Undweyn, who gave his name to Maccuswell, a pool of the river Tweed near Kelso bridge. A grandson of Maccus, John Maxwell, became chamberlain of Scotland before dying in 1241, to be succeeded by his brother Aylmer.
From Aylmer sprang many branches of the family throughout the south-west of Scotland.
Clan Lands
Maxwell Lands
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