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Clan MacMillan
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: MacGhilleMhaolain
Motto: Misesris Succerere Disco (I learn to succour the unfortunate)
Badge: Holly
Lands: Lochaber, Argyll, and Galloway
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Son of the bald or tonsured one
Clan Chief: George MacMillan of MacMillan
Clan History
MacMillan History
The Clan MacMillan has its roots in an ancient royal house and from the orders of the Celtic church.
The progenitor of the clan was Gillie Chriosd, one of the sons of the Cormac, the Bishop of Dunkeld. As a Columban priest, his head would have been shaved over the front of his head, rather than in the more usual fashion.
Clan Lands
MacMillan Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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