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Clan MacLeod
Basic Info.
Clan MacLeod
Gaelic Name: MacLeòid
Motto: Hold Fast
Badge: Juniper
Lands: Skye and Harris
Pipe Music: MacLeod’s Praise
Clan Chief: Hugh MacLeod of MacLeod
Clan History
Clan MacLeod History
Descended from the Norse kings of Man and the North Isles, the clan of MacLeod comprised two main branches, the MacLeods of Skye and the MacLeods of Lewis.
The MacLeods of Skye established the seat at Dunvegan, which remains the chief’s seat to this day.
Clan Lands
Clan MacLeod Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
View map >>
Clan Macleod of Lewis
There is also the Clan Branch MacLeod of Lewis … go to MacLeod of Lewis Section >
Clan MacLeod Posts
Clan MacLeod Gallery