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Clan MacKinnon
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: MacFhionghuin
Motto: Audentes Fortuna Juvat (Fortune assists the daring)
Badge: Pine
Lands: Iona and North Mull
Origin of Name: Gaelic, ‘Son of the fair born’
Clan Chief: Madam Ann MacKinnon of MacKinnon
Clan History
MacKinnon History
The MacKinnons claim their descent from the royal family of Kenneth MacAlpine.
The clan slogan of “Cumnich Bas Alpin” or “Remember the death of Alpin” refers to the great-grandson of Kenneth, who was slain by Bruch, King of the Picts, in 837. His son Fingon, or “fair-born” is hailed as the progenitor of the clan.
Clan Lands
MacKinnon Lands
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