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Clan MacDuff
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: MacDhuibh
Motto: Deus Juvat (God assists)
Badge: Red whortleberry
Lands: Fife, Lothian, Strathbran, and Strathbogie
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Dubh (Black)
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Clan History
MacDuff History
Clan Duff originated from the Royal Scoto-Pictish line, of which Queen Gruoch stood as its senior representative. She and her second husband, MacBeth, would be immortalised by William Shakespeare in literature.
Her son succeeded the throne but was murdered in 1058, whereby Malcolm Canmore won the throne.
Clan Lands
MacDuff Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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