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Clan MacDougall
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: MacDhùghaill
Motto: Buaidh No Bàs (Victory or death)
Badge: Bell heath
Lands: Lorn
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Dughall (Black Stranger)
Pipe Music: Caisteal Dhunolla (Dunollie Castle)
Clan Chief: Morag MacDougall of MacDougall
Clan History
MacDougall History
A Gaelic generalisation when describing the Viking invaders was by colouring, Finn Ghall for fair stranger and Dubh Ghall for a dark stranger. Dubh Ghall was the descriptive name given to the eldest son of King Somerled.
Somerled’s father-in-law was Olaf, King of Man, and when Somerled died in 1164 Dougall became senior King of Dalriada.
Clan Lands
MacDougall Lands
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