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Clan MacAulay
Basic Info.
Crest: A boot couped at the ankle and thereon a spur Proper
Motto: Dulce Periculum (Danger is Sweet)
Badge: Cranberry
Lands: Dunbartonshire, Lewis, Sutherland and Ross
Origin of Name: Son of Olaf
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Clan History
MacAulay History
The name MacAulay grew from two unconnected areas. One came from Dunbartonshire and were the MacAulays of Ardincaple. The other was the MacAulays of Lewis.
The MacAulays of Ardincaple may have came to be through Amhlaidh, who was the son of Alwin, Earl of Lennox in the early thirteenth century.
Clan Lands
MacAulay Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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