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Clan Lumsden
Basic Info.
Crest: Issuant from a crest coronet Or a naked arm grasping a sword Proper
Motto: Amor Patitur Moras (Love endures delays)
Lands: Borders
Historic Seats: Blanerne Castle & Lumsden Castle
Clan Chief: Gillem Lumsden of that Ilk and Blanerne
Clan History
Lumsden History
The name Lumsden is of territorial origin, deriving from Lumsden, an old manor in the parish of Coldingham, Berwickshire. Brothers Gillem (William) and Cren de Lumsden were witnesses to a charter by Waldeve, Earl of Dunbar, to the Priory of Coldingham between 1166 and 1182.
This is the earliest known recording of the surname Lumsden.
Clan Lands
Lumsden Lands
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