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Clan Livingstone
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: Mac an Léigh
Motto: Se je puis (If I can)
Lands: West Lothian, Trossachs, Lorn
Origin of Name: Placename
Seat: Bachuil, Isle of Lismore
Clan Chief: Niall Livingstone of Bachuil
Clan History
Livingstone History
Legend says that a Saxon called Leving gave his name to the lands in West Lothian and they became Livingston. The people of the area took this as their family name.
Four generations on Sir William Livingston of Livingston fought beside King David II at the Battle of Durham in the 1346 attack into England.
Clan Lands
Livingstone Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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