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Clan Lennox
Basic Info.
Crest: Two broadswords in saltire behind a swan’s head and neck all Proper
Motto: I’ll Defend
Badge: A rose slipped Gules
Lands: Dunbartonshire
Clan Chief: Edward Lennox Of That Ilk
Clan History
Lennox History
The Lennox clan has a great significance in Scotland’s early history.
The Earldom of Lennox covered a vast area around Dunbartonshire as well as parts of Renfrewshire, Stirlingshire and Perthshire. The name derives from the ancient Celtic Mormaers of Levenax from which came the Earls of Lennox.
Clan Lands
Lennox Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Clan Lennox Posts
Clan Lennox Gallery