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Clan Hopkirk

Basic Info.

Hopkirk Clan Crest

Hopkirk Clan Crest


Crest: A dexter hand in armour erect and couped at the elbow the hand Proper pointing to a crescent in dexter chief Argent
Motto: Spero Procedere (I hope to prosper)
Origin of Name: Place name, Roxburghshire
Lands: Roxburghshire
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan

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Hopkirk Tartan

Roxburgh District

Roxburgh District

Roxburgh District tartan (There is no registered tartan for this clan)

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Clan History

Hopekirk Parish Church

Hopekirk Parish Church

Hopkirk History

Also found as Hobkirk, the name originates from Hopekirk, near Hawick in Roxburghshire.
James Hopkirk, reidare at Caringtoun in 1574. James Habkirk, an Edinburgh surgeon is recorded in 1690. Francis Hopkirk lived in the parish of Cranstoun in 1689, and William Hopkirk in Melrose in 1690.

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Clan Lands

Hopkirk Lands


Hopkirk Map

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