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Durie Family
Basic Info.
Crest: A crescent Or
Motto: Confido (I trust)
Origin of Name: Gaelic place name – ‘Black Stream’
Lands: Fife
Region: Lowlands
Chief: Andrew Durie of Durie
Clan History
Durie History
The Duries are an old and honourable Scottish family. We trace our ancestry back as far at least as the 1260s. The name originated from the lands of Durie in Scoonie, Fife, which were granted by Regnold le Cheine to Gilbert son of Robert, Earl of Strathearn, as confirmed by the Earl of Carrick, son of Duncan 1st Earl of Fife. ‘Durie’ is a Gaelic place name which may indicate ‘black stream’, possibly a reference to the rich coal seams in Fife.
Clan Lands
Durie Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Durie Family Posts
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