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Clan Craig
Basic Info.
Crest: A chevalier on horseback in full charge grasping a broken lance in bend Proper
Motto: Vive Deco et Vives (Live for God and You Shall Have Life)
Regions: Lowlands
Historic Seat: Riccarton
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Clan History
Craig History
Although the surname Craig can easily be identified with the Gaelic word for a cliff or outcrop of rock (such as Ailsa Craig or Craigellachie) its origin appears to go far back into the time of the Picts, a native race from North East Scotland, of which very little is known. The story goes that as the Scots began to expand into this area the Picts were allowed to remain there on condition that all future Kings agreed to marry Irish Princesses.
Clan Lands
Craig Lands
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