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Clan Burnett
Basic Info.
Clan Burnett
Crest: A cubit arm, the hand naked, vested Vert doubled Argent pruning a vinetree with a pruning knife, Proper
Motto: Virescit Vulnere Virtus (Courage Flourishes at a Wound)
Badge: A sprig of holly leaves|
Historic Seat: Crathes Castle, Aberdeenshire
Clan Chief: James Burnett of Leys
Clan History
Burnett History
Although it is suggested that the family have Norman ancestry it is more probable that the name Burnett is a variant of Burnard from the Old English personal name Beornheard who occupied England before 1066.
‘Beornheard’ translates from the Saxon as ‘bear hand’ but is sometimes also translated as ‘brave warrior’.
Clan Lands
Burnett Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Clan Burnett Posts
Clan Burnett Gallery